Monday 27 February 2017

How to Verify Facebook Page With Ease and very fast in 2017

Facebook Page Verification
Official Facebook Page Verification

The time I figured out that my pages that has been often unnecessarily banned by Facebook was as a result of lack of trust which Facebook had on it's users. I blamed myself on not being able to sought for the solution, that is the verification of my Facebook pages, earlier enough until it's almost late.

Almost three or more of my Facebook pages has been banned or have it's Facebook ads prevented from showing on facebook before I figured out the solution to this misery. Facebook seizing of pages occurs every second, because of one irrelevant issue or the order and this has left most people so many days of sleepless nights.

... Have you once had faith that those ungodly moments will once be found solution to? You have all this while been far from your saviour to one of your deadly facebook issue but today after reading this article carefully and following it's instructions, you will have a course to create and build your facebook pages without fear of ban or seizesure...

Introduction to the verification of Facebook proper, step wise procedure on how to verify your Facebook page will be discussed, reasons for the verification of Facebook page and it's connection to facebook ads seizure. 

What is Facebook page verification?

Facebook page verification is the genuine and recognized way of telling Facebook team that your page is an official page for a specific product or people. It is been recognized by a blue good mark or image which will be attached to your page's name and it's home page to scare away unnecessary and suspicious seizing of a page and also direct your fans and friends who search for you on facebook to the right direction and also get to meet you faster.

Before a page is verified on Facebook, it undergoes some scrutiny by the facebook team to ensure you are the true owner or have the appropriate right to use the brand name of a company or individual to open a page on Facebook. This is to prevent a situation where the rightful owner of a company or name is being prevented from using his brand name in opening and verifying of his facebook group.

How long does this verification examination last?

The normal stipulated time for this page verification is at most, 48hours. This, most of the time as the case may be can be completed few hours after the submission process or can also over stay the normal time meant for it to be accomplished. The reason for this is that remembering that this facebook team in question is also human beings like us and as humans, we don't usually accomplish what we want all the time since most times, man proposes and God disposes. The average time of delivery of its examination result as observed by the people that has engaged in it is within 24 - 48 hours.

So why is this Facebook page Verification important?

Following Facebook's strict policies and actions, too many people has lot their pages which they built for years just in a twinkle of an eye. You know that contacting facebook teams on this kind of issue is always as if you had enough time to waste because the only response you will get from them is that they will verify it's innocence and see to your plea. This is exactly the same thing as not contacting at all because the same time that it supposed to take to revive it without contacting is the same time of review of the page and release too.

The ultimate newly verified solution to prevent seizing or blocking of a facebook page is to verify the page. Verification of Facebook page is a simple process that requires guidelines to accomplish because many other processes are being completed before a facebook page verification process will be done. One of those process is the creation of Facebook ID card. Verification cannot be done without this ID card so, it's the chief controller of the general process. If you complete the ID card processing stage, there will be no other strong process to go through other than to submit your application.

Does this verification has any connection with my Facebook ads frequently banned?

Unverified Facebook page just give an impression of ingenuity, impersonation, deceitful page that has no origin while a verified page has alot to talk on trust and genuine page. A verified facebook page ads whether deceitful or not has low assessment when compared with an unverified one with the same reason being stated earlier. This has unvailed our quest to seek for the solution to the problem and has been a fruitful engagement.

Where is the main verification steps?

Having being grounded on what facebook verification of page is and it's importance, it is high time we hop into the procedure of accomplishing this.

Another important thing
Know that to verify your page, you don't need to bother about how many thousands of friends and fans that liked the page. It can be verified at any level even with only one like and at all stage, success expectation rate is the same.

Also, bear in mind that facebook has the right to remove a verified page's verification if they found out that the idea of the group is not what it was initially expected to be. This is hardly seen because facebook cannot be able to monitor billions of pages created in its platform but being a scapegoat is likely to be seen.

This Verification should be done on a genuine Facebook account and not on Fake Facebook Generated accounts as the fake account will hardly pass the process. Not withstanding, it can still be done on any Facebook account both fake and real accounts but it will depend on our smartness from the onset of the fake account opening. Remember that during the Facebook ID generation, it doesn't request for any of your informations manually rather it sniffs it from Facebook after being granted permission so it will also sniff your location too according to your IP's information and use your location to fill the ID card.

When managing a fake facebook account, make sure you always use VPN or proxy websites to avoid contradiction in your Verification process.

Procedures of Verifying Facebook page

1. Go to by typing this address in the address bar of your browser.

Before doing this, make sure you are logged into Facebook or else it will first show you the Facebook login page before the page proper.

Facebook ID card Generator
Official Facebook ID tool

2. After you have successfully landed to that page, open another browser tab leaving that page in the other tab untouched. Then in the new tab go to

This will direct you to the website with the Facebook ID card tool generator. It's the website you are really looking for so click on "Generate ID" below the sample ID image and wait for it to take you to the facebook access page.

Facebook ID tool app Access
Facebook ID tool app Access

3. Grant access to the generator application on your Facebook profile by clicking "continue". You will be taken back to the Facebook ID generator Website but this time, your ID card has been generated with your details.

Facebook ID page with Download
Facebook ID page with Download link

4. Below the generated ID card, you will find some options which "Download" will be among. Click on that Download and the image will be downloaded into your device.

It's not yet done yet. You have just completed the most important process involved in this so what you have to do now is to go back to the Facebook page verification tab you opened before.

5. Choose the Facebook page you want to verify, Upload the downloaded ID card you created and below it, where website is requested, copy your direct Facebook profile link and paste there. Then click send.

Sending this will take you to another page where the success of your sent application will be seen and then you will need not to do any other thing other than to wait for at most 48 hours for the assessment to be carried out completely. When approved, your Facebook page will be identified with the mark of verified page which is the blue good image mark.

The necessity of this page verification process can never be over emphasized as it pages way for smooth running of your social media pages without any hinderance or disturbances from Facebook. Since the process is not hard to carry out, it's adviced to take it into consideration before engaging deeply with your facebook page because facebook can just wake up one morning and ruin your sweat. Moreover, this verification is restricted to some specific locations or countries. If it's unavailable in your country, you don't need to perform anyother action unless you want to acquire your Facebook ID card and keep it in stand by for another action next time. Please don't forget to leave a comment, it's very necessary for our continuous updates. Thank you.

Friday 24 February 2017

Facebooks Alarm Sounds today

Facebook alarm sounds
Facebooks alarm sounds

Facebook had fake alarm sounding today. It's not only you so don't panic.

This problem which presented itself as forced logout from the service logs out the user from his session and won't allow him to login back. This shows to the user that the account is being logged in by another person which is not so true as too many people are also experiencing same issue even right now am still writing this.

Facebook had almost same problem earlier this week. That is a situation where users can login but cannot see their news feed.

The full details has not been known but we hope to update you on the issue more. All we were able to understand is that it's been experienced by our brothers from Europe, America, Brazil and Australia but not really in Africa.

Facebook updated on the error stating "Earlier today, an error in one of our systems designed to help stop suspension account access sent a small set of people in out account delivery flow unnecessarily. We have fixed the issue and are in the process of clearing the affected accounts from the recovery flow. We apologise for this inconvenience."

The advice to the user is to wait since it's just a technical issue and Facebook has determined and apologized to the users affected. Since they are working to delete all those accounts sent to suspension alert section it's nothing to panic about because everything will return to normal with a little time.

This sound is not a big deal so neglet the alarm and wait for Facebook to return your account to normal. Don't try to retrieve your account. Leave them to do the work. If you have received the alarm also, please leave a comment for more assistance.

Tuesday 21 February 2017

5 Fun But Highly Important Things To Do On Facebook

Things to do on Facebook
Img1: Things you have to do on facebook

You will believe me that what we know about using Facebook is very minute compared to what we seek. Facebook is very complicating when it comes to exploring more of its contents. There are too many things that are very important we supposed to do on facebook which we are not doing.

So many of us have been using facebook for long without mastering the most important actions to carryout when we need them. That is why this article was made. To help you master highly important things which you are supposed to be doing without permission or hindrances.

...After reading this informations you will be glad you did because, all the open secretes you didn't know before will be exposed here...


Learn how to initiate some privacy settings which are necessary. You will be familiar with facebook messenger settings and tricks. this tutorial covers educational aspect which will clear our mind on the idea of specific things on Facebook. Make use of Calendar features in advanced way and also put surprises to your friend you chooses.

What are those things I should do?

Although they are numerous things to do on facebook, what you are about to read are the rare things to do and know which are highly important directly or indirectly to you.

So how can you actually use these features?
Believe me, you don't need a miracle to start doing these thing which will be listed and explain below, all you will have to do is to follow the steps one by one and if it's the ones that requires that you continue same process to get another result, just follow it. The last thing I would do is to mislead you, and that's is not an option. It's only to boost your experience in using facebook efficiently. 

Here are the things you can do

If I tell you that this is just a mere trick you won't believe me! Have you ever seen settings for adding mutual friends on Facebook? You have been going through people's profile seeing sometimes a questionable number of mutual friend list and sometimes none. Have you ever thought of how those friends were added?

Well I have done that over and over times but was unable to get help until I discovered that, to get a mutual friend on facebook, you have to be just a friend to someone.

How to add facebook Mutual Friends
Facebook Mutual Friends>

How does this work? It works this way;
if you are viewing someone's profile, your friend who is also a friend to the person his profile is being viewed will be listed as the person's Mutual Friend. This will be clearer if we show it in an example. Let's assume you are Maria and you are friend to Hasayat who is also a friend to Bobby all on Facebook. You added Bobby also to as your friend too and this is the first time you (Maria) is viewing Bobby's profile after becoming friend with him. What will you see on Bobby's friend's list? You will see Hasayat who is your friend being Bobby's Mutual Friend.

Literally it simple signifies someone you and the person you are viewing his profile has in common. The number changes if you use another Facebook account to view it.

This is how Mutual friends list is being generated which we didn't know.

If you are owing someone or doesn't need disturbance from specific person or group of people on Facebook, you can easily hide from them. This you can do without any stress and to unlock the person, you should follow the same process but this time instead of adding the person's name, you will delete it from where it is.

I know you will be anxious to know how this works but this you have to do only on PC view of facebook for now, until the mobile feature is out.

Following these steps, this can be achieved. Go to facebook website from your computer and insert your login credentials that is email and password to login to your account. On your homepage, go to the bottom of your laptop screen where live chat is located and click on the person's name. Just as if you wants to chat with the person, then on the upper part of that chat box, you will see a Settings icon, click on that settings and a list of options will be showed to you. Then choose "turn off chat for (that person's name)" then click on it and yes, it's done.

Just remember you can block as many people as you wants. I believe your privacy is more important that pretence here.

Let's say Javier's birthday is tomorrow and you and many other of his friends wants to give him a surprise gift or celebration. You don't want Javier to know this else your plans will spoil so what do you have to do?

Start calling everyone one after the other? No way and it's going to take alot of time, money and you might not be able to reach out to all the people you want to reach out to. This can then go a long way in helping in this situation.

What will you do?

Go to your facebook timeline (What's on your mind) and start typing whatever you want  to share with friends. So after typing it, don't share it yet. You should click on the lower part where you will see permission of people you want to see the timeline. This time let me say you saw "Public" there, just click on that place and an option will come out. Choose "More Options" which is the last option on the list and another option drop down menu will be shown to you. Find and click on "Custom". This will bring out a semi page which in it is only two options 1= "Share With" and 2.= "Don't share with". You should go to "don't share with" and input the person you don't want to receive that message's name, then click "Save Changes" and you can then share your news or Information.

One good thing about this is that facebook will never tell that person that you have hid something from him. So with this you can reach a reasonable number of people which you cannot reach through phone call.

Never allow your friends detect their birthdays again, add it to your notifications on your calendar. We all know how being the first person to wish someone a happy birthday even without the person knowing it strengthens relationship. It always shows someone has extra care for someone to the extent of keeping his birthday date and reminding him of it. With this feature available on Facebook, it shows almost everything can be possible there too.

Can I know more about this?

Sure you can, infact this is what to do inorder to activate this feature immediately.
Go to Facebook and login then go to Events which is located at the left site of the Facebook home page under the "Explore" options" then on the right side just above the language selection menu, you will see a message indicating you should add it to google calendar (iCal). Click on Birthdays and then choose Google's calendar (iCal). The next page that will show, you should check if there is an URL in the box, if there is, click on "Subscribe" but then click on OK in another page but if there is no URL, you should add this URL into the space provided "webcal://" before clicking subscribe. After completing this steps, you will start receiving the notifications to you phone easily.

Remember this

Other calendar's can also be added through this means such as apple calendar and Microsoft calendar.


Stickers are those kind of hilarious and funny action images people use on their comments or messages to express themselves. They are really self explanatory and most times doesn't require a backup text. This is quite very simple to implement but a lot of people still find it difficult to use or locate this feature. The fastest way to do this is through mobile chat messenger.

Open your Facebook Messenger and login to facebook. Choose any of your friend as if you want to chat with the person, then click on the text area to show some options on its top. Locate the single dull round face at the center of the first menu and click on it, from the next page that will show click on plus (+) sign that is at the right lower part of the screen so that you will be directed to the stickers page where you will choose which sticker to download and also see downloaded ones too. To download any sticker just look beside the sticker, you will find an arrow pointing down click on that arrow and wait for it to download. After Download, to use it on the text message or comments all you have to do is go to the page of the comment, click on the writing are and click on that same single dull round face image you clicked on the first procedure. This time don't click on (+) rather before that plus sign are lists of the downloaded stickers. Click on any and see the content. Then click on the image to post the sticker immediately.

Remember to use it on messages, you need to go to messages and not post this time.

Having being convinced that all the informations given above have been understood, I strongly believe I have achieved alot by teaching you how you can be master of your world on Facebook by simply following and also, doing these things above carefully. If you have any questions or recommendations, you can use the comment box below this post. It will be highly appreciated. Thank you.

Monday 20 February 2017

Fake Facebook Generator With Unlimited Fake Phone Number Verification

Fake facebook generator
Fake facebook generator

You will agree with me that facebook doesn't allow the use of same number in any form for a separate facebook account. This is so inorder to allow them check spamming and reduce high number of inactive accounts.

This is why for every account opened on Facebook, it has to go through any of the two way verification which are either phone number verification or email verification. In this process, a unique identification number is sent to the person's phone or email which he will write back on the verification page to confirm the ownership of the mobile or email.

This verification is extended to the facebook developer's registration page where every developer registering at their page is mandated to verify their phone numbers. Facebook has registered a total of 1.3billion users all over the world who are either organisation, personal user or business owners. For the business owners who has an application they developed and wants to taste it on facebook, they must verify their phone numbers before getting started with the developer tools.

...After reading this article, you will be free and able to create unlimited facebook accounts verified with fake phone numbers for any purpose you chooses...


Meaning and importance of PVAs, How PVAs works, How to create unlimited PVAs, What you should know before creating facebook's PVAs.

What is PvA's

This is known as "Facebook Verified Accounts". The name was created by the facebook markers inorder to best explain the importance of verifying a Facebook account. Although there is no specific facebook term that represents the abreviation, it has been understood by Facebook users what the term signifies.

Why is it PVAs useful?

Since this is a way of verifying ones phone number used in registering on Facebook, a developer who is not really an ordinary user and has something to contribute to the ordinary users have to verify his identity inorder to prevent malicious traits and security concerns regarding the use of the service.

A very important facilitator in doing this is the Facebook mobile app which enables the user to verify his phone number and be able to configure his account account to be receiving notifications on what is going on on the social community. This also helps the developers track Informations of the user after the users validation of his phone number.

How PVSs Works

Whether you are a developer or an individual facebook account opener, the thing that is sure is verification of the account which will come in one way process by choosing any of the two options provided. The two options include:

  • Verify Facebook Account Through Mobile Number
  • Verify Facebook Account Through Credit Card 

Although these options are given, the easiest way to do this is to go through the mobile verification process instead of the later. All you have to do is put your country code and phone number, then click Submit/Confirm your phone. Wait for a message from the facebook team with verification code which you will then input in the confirmation code.

Facebook Account Verification Through mobile
Facebook account verification Through mobile

The main thing

Creating Unlimited Facebook PVAs

You need many things to create fake Facebook identity (PVAs) which includes:
  1. United States IP addresses / Proxy addresses
  2. Email Accounts
  3. Fake Images & Identities
  4. Virtual Mobile Phone Numbers
Most importantly is your smart and functional brain, time and patience.

  • Register yourself at Yahoo Email!

  2. Use Yahoo Registration only because it doesn’t ask for the phone verification or any other thing
  3. Even if it asks, you can use virtual phone number 
  • 5 - 10 Yahoo account is good for the process
Yahoo registration
Yahoo registration

  • Go to Facebook and register the accounts with given Email Yahoo registered accounts.
  • Now it is time for Mobile Phone Verification for the Facebook accounts
  • Click on the link for the phone number registration and put the virtual number you will create from here 
  1. You can change upto 3 numbers in a single account.
  2. This means that each account will have 3 numbers which will be used to verify 3 Facebook accounts each. 
  • Enter your virtual mobile number and choose “Give me a call”
  • Wait for some time to receive an email in your account carrying the facebook verification code
  • Note: You will also receive the same activation code in your registered yahoo email so, even though you didn't receive it in your account, you should check your yahoo mail inbox it will be there.
  • Go back to Facebook and login with your recently created account. Verify it using the given method and you are done.
Most important part

Make sure you are doing all these while your VPN service is on because if not, facebook has a way of tracking the IP address of users account. And with that, they will block your account on the ground of multiple accounts creation or use another way to penalize you.

You can repeat the above steps as many times as you can inorder to create many or multiple fake accounts on facebook.

    Sunday 19 February 2017

    Facebook Live Notifications Turn Off Easily And a New Feature on Facebook

    facebook live notifications
    Facebook's Live notifications

    You can't afford to be receiving unimportant Facebook live videos notifications from all your friends on facebook as many are meaningless and time waster.

    Knowing this

    Facebook as a well known social media platform tends to protect the privacy of people's usage as written in the agreement policy. That is why any new feature they create, they also insert the option to disable it since not everyone will welcome the idea. This is one of that feature that is necessary to manipulate as it stands.

    Since the creation of Livestream on facebook there has been series of abuse and disturbances people use it to create and one of the disturbances is recording blank or dark room without any clear idea or information given. This has killed most of our time in the past and as a result of this, Facebook has created a medium of disabling the notifications gotton from it.

    ... You will now remove those notifications being created by live streaming friends on Facebook in just minutes now, at least to breath a little...

    I assure you of 215% success when you follow this procedure accordingly without jumping any step.

    Removing of live streaming notifications from the video's page in just one click. Also it's possible to enable it back. If you want to enable it back to see the videos again, you have to follow a known procedure which will be discussed below.

    First thing first!

    In our former article we discussed Facebook notification turn off which didn't encompass the live video turn off tutorial as the feature was enabled recently as facebook received too many complains on its effect.

    If you are sure you really wants to turn off the live stream notifications of some friends you have to bear in mind that you will also learn how to turn it on as one time in the person's life, he might want to stream about what you really matters to you for a long time.

    What to know?

    What do I need to accomplish this?

    You need only one thing which is to receive at least one of your friend's live recorded video notification on facebook. If you have that, then what next is to go over to the procedure of removing the notifications.


    • Login to Facebook
    • Locate notifications icon on the facebook menu and click on it
    • Find the live notification from the list of your notifications and click on it
    • This time you are now seeing the video but has not played it so
    • Click on the play icon at the center of the video
    • On the top right corner of the video, you will see three dots (...) 
    • Click on the three dots
    • A pop up menu will show up below the video
    • Select "Turn off live notifications" and the image will be turned off.
    Remember this
    To turn on this feature once more, you have to repeat these procedures from the first to the last but this time instead of seeing "Turn off notifications" you will see the opposite which is "Turn on notifications". So all that you will have to do is to click on it and it will be activated again.

    For any live notification you want to stop coming to you on facebook, you don't have to worry anymore you should repeat the above procedures for all and still get success. Until the location of this feature is changed, it's still valid now.

    Alternatives on how to do Livestream Facebook notification turn off

    Suggestions and complaints
    If you had any difficulty setting this up, use the comment box for a clearer help. Also, if it worked for you, we will appreciate your appreciation in the comment box below this post. Don't also hesitate to share as many of your friend's might be in need of it.

    Saturday 18 February 2017

    Disable Facebook Notifications Sound In Just 0.000003 Seconds

    img 1: how to remove Facebook notifications

    This sound is too much for me to bear all because am chatting on Facebook. What should I do?

    Disturbing me at the office, church, mosque, market, social gathering etc. Infact it's better I remove the facebook mobile messenger from my phone rather than allow it ruin everything am doing.

    Searched for how to remove the notification? Search no more because this is the place all Facebook problems are being solved officially. It will not only that it will be removed for you, it will also be done as fast as possible following the procedures which will be listed here.

    Changing facebook notifications from messenger requires only two things which include:

    • Your Facebook mobile messenger app
    • This tutorial.
    Since you have this tutorial now, all you have to do is to get ready.


    How to delete Facebook notifications easily on mobile

    Here is the deal

    1. Open your Facebook messenger on mobile 
    2. Login with your username and password
    3. From the homepage of the messenger, go to the right upper part you will see an icon that looks like human
    4. Click on that icon and your informations will be displayed
    5. Scroll down to the point you will see a clickable word "Notifications and Sounds"
    6. Click on that word to open another page where you will edit the settings
    7. Go to "Sound" and disable it by clicking on the option image beside it
    8. If you want to change to another sound, then go to "Notification Sound" and click on it
    9. Select the sound you want and press "OK" below the screen
    10. But if you completely don't want to receive any notification both post notifications and so on, then 
    11. On the page of "Notifications and Sound" (that is the first page you are while choosing sounds etc) on the top right corner, click on the image beside the title and confirm disabling of the Notifications.
    12. You are through with that.
    So what next?

    Next is to log out of your facebook messenger if you wish or keep it alive but one thing is sure - you will no longer be disturbed by its notifications.

    Don't miss this!

    How to disable Facebook notifications of posts you commented on

    1. Go to Facebook and login
    2. From your homepage click on Notifications
    3. Locate a notification from that post you want to remove
    4. Click on the post to open
    5. From the top right corner of the opened post, you will see an arrow that has a drop down menu
    6. Click on the arrow image and choose "Turn off Notifications from this post" (usually the first but sometimes be at the bottom)
    7. After you have made your choice, it has been disabled.
    Watch the video below to learn more on the way to remove it from PC view

    Questions and suggestions

    Please use the comment box to ask on what you are still finding difficult about this post. Please don't forget to share.

    Thank you for sharing former posts I really appreciate it.

    Friday 17 February 2017

    Livestream on Facebook Using a Mobile Easily on Any Phone Make

    Img 1: Going live on facebook

    I tried as much as I could to locate the livestreaming feature of Facebook not quite long ago but to no avail. So why am I the only one that doesn't know how to do this I said.

    Fortunately for me, I didn't only discovered the best method of doing this now but also the fastest which you might have never know or seen. This I will share here now.

    ... After reading this, you will thank me later because it is going to blow your mind ...


    Fastest way of going live on facebook, how to abort it and also how and where to see the live broadcast you have made.

    Can this really help?

    The aim of the digital world is to make everything easier to access, so why won't it be of  great assistance to you? The answer is yes a million times.

    So what else?

    How to do live streaming easily using mobile

    This is only going to deal with going live on Facebook on mobile and mobile alone. The article for streaming live on computer will be discussed later. 

    Why do we chose mobile first?
    Mobile phones are now taking over the digital world nowadays, and everyone that has PC also has mobile phone whereas not everyone that has mobile phone has PC. So we have to go with the majority.

    Remember that this is applicable to all mobile phone versions so try the steps below and give me feedback.

    • Go to Facebook's website HERE and login with your email and password
    • On you Facebook homepage (The first page you will see after a successful logon) look for the text area labelled "What's on your mind"
    • Click on the text are as if you want to post on your time line
    • Below the text area is a line of icons for enhancing your post
    • Click on those icons
    • A full list of the names of the icons will appear together with icons, this time embedded to the post area
    • Click on the second icon which says "Go live"
    • Allow your mobile to give access to Facebook requesting to use video features
    • Label the video if you want to
    • Click on go live and wait for just 3 seconds for it to start
    • Record whatever you want to record
    • Click on finish just below the screen to stop the video
    • Now select either to delete it or to upload it (New feature)
    • Go to your timeline to view what you have recorded.
    Who uses this feature

    Streaming live on Facebook helps report events as they are happening. Anyone can use it, especially those who has not done some fishy things in the past that warranted them being searched for.

    The current president of America also uses this feature often in addressing some Whitehouse issues which he wants the public to know about.

    How to stream live events on Facebook video tutorial

    I hope you can now use this feature perfectly and easily now.

    Suggestions, questions and commendations

    Your opinions, questions and recommendations will be highly treated and we look forward to hearing from you.